Myeongdong Topokki @ Kuala Terengganu - Atiqah Mohamad Ikhsan

Myeongdong Topokki @ Kuala Terengganu

By Atiqah Mohamad Ikhsan - November 10, 2017

Assalamualaikum and hai! ♥

Good news good news ! To all people yang duduk di Kuala Terengganu, Myeongdong Topokki ada buka branch diorang kat sini !!

They have made their grand opening on 8th November haritu and they also made a promotion with 10% off with minimum purchase of RM20 in a single receipt! This promotions only last until 22nd November je okay. So go now and grab it !

And so, yesterday lepas habis je kuliah pukul 12, I ajak my classmates to go and try their food. Sampai je kat sana, the place was full okay. Memang silap la pergi pukul 12.30 tengahari sebab orang tengah lunch hour time tu. We had to wait for 10 minutes untuk cari tempat duduk.

Click here if you guys want to see their official website and Myeongdong Topokki's Menus

Dapat je tempat duduk and we went to the counter to order. Tunggu around 10 minutes jugak nak sampai semua orang punya makanan.

Here are the things that we've ordered !

1) Dish : Hangul Chicken Deopbab.
    Price : RM 16.80

  I ordered this because you know me, I loveeee chicken. I love the chicken in this set,really. Nasi diorang pun diorang guna beras yang selalu orang Korea dan Jepun pakai, yang jenis macam pulut tu. Memang mengenyangkan.

And at the left corner is Kimali (4 pieces). Seaweed yang digulung with Jabchae (Korean GlassNoodle) and digoreng dengan tepung. Delish! If you guys beli set dia and order this, the price would be RM4.50 but if you guys only want to eat the seaweed tu je then it would cost you around RM9.50. 

So kalau nak beli tu, beli set and then order their street food ni okay. Lagi berbaloi duit :)

Oh and all of us ordered yang set punya. Every set memang akan ada air sekali which is Green Tea. You guys boleh tukar set air tu with any add-ons. Ada perisa Honey Apple, and many more. I can't remember but they were 8 flavors. And the price is RM5.50. The one in the picture is Honey Apple.

2) Dish : Hangul Chicken Ramyun
    Price : RM16.80

Yang ini pula my classmate punya. He ordered this maybe because dia suka sangat makan Ramyun kot. It is very soupy and I love the flavors in it. The side dishes were Kimbap and some kimchi and anchovies. Next time, I'm definitely going to order this set.  

3) Dish : Cheese Rabokki
    Price : RM 17.80  

The third one is what they called as Rabokki. A combination of Ramyun + Topokki in one set. For those yang suka makan Topokki yang jenis slightly liat tu then this is the dishes for you guys. Some people tak suka sangat kan jenis yang liat because it is hard to chew but I love it that way sebab memang kenyang gila. Different people have different taste and a side note for you guys, it can be a little spicy (untuk orang yang tak tahan pedas) tapi the aftertaste is kinda sweet so don't worry okay.

Irfan (my classmate)makan ni time tu berpeluh sakan. Hahaha.

4) Dish : Dakgalbi Chicken Deopbab 
    Price : RM 16.80 

The last one is this, ddakgalbi chicken. Pedas sikit la ayam dia. For those who loves to eat spicy, can try this set but maybe for you guys takde la pedas sangat pun. For those who do not love to eat spicy can also give it a try, but believe me you guys will be sweating while eating this food. Hahaha.

All in all, it was a great experience and I personally would love to come here again and congratulations to Myeongdong Topokki for their new branch in Kuala Terengganu!


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