Family Mart at Jonker Walk, Melaka - Atiqah Mohamad Ikhsan

Family Mart at Jonker Walk, Melaka

By Atiqah Mohamad Ikhsan - September 15, 2019

It has been told that Family Mart at Jonker Walk is the 2nd biggest in Malaysia !! Wohoo, congratulations team #FamilyMartJonker #100FamilyMart😁🎊.

Officially opened at 17th May 2019 (psstt twas on my birthday yalls).

Family Mart, Jonker Walk

Unlike other Family Mart yang ada kat Selangor & KL tu, yang di Jonker Walk ni ada 2 tingkat okeh. Dah tu pulak bukak kat Jonker Street, memang dia guna one of those old but gold buildings la kan. 🏡

The best thing about Melaka is that eventhough the era keeps on changing but the culture remains still. Proud of you Melaka!

Memang cantik sangat how they decorate inside. Kena dengan jiwa raga anak muda sekarang yg crave for simple but elegant style. 🌟✔

Boleh tengok interior dalam Family Mart kat video bawah ni yang Tiqa dah buat with InShot video editor.

Kalau beli soft cream (ice cream) dia boleh pergi luar kedai and tunggu for your cone okay. 🍦

2nd floor ada tempat duduk banyak sangat & boleh enjoy makan dengan kawan2. Tingkat atas tu memang besar sangat & selesa. Takde nak berhimpit dengan orang kalau ramai kan.

Sorry for the low quality of the video but I have tried my best to capture the moments. It was breathtaking.

At last I can finally beli makanan banyak2 and enjoy makan dengan tenang dan selesa.

Okay thats all folks! See you soon.

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  1. Haii, saya baru dpt tawaran penerapan di uitm jasin. Disebabkan kolej tak disediakan, boleh saya tau prosedur rayuan? Akak ckp kene buat surat rasmi ye?
