Updates 2024 - Atiqah Mohamad Ikhsan

Updates 2024

By Atiqah Mohamad Ikhsan - July 26, 2024

Hi semua! 

This is going to be my first post in 2024 walaupun dah Julai 😂. Tahu2 lagi 5 bulan dah habis dah tahun 2024 ni. Oh how time flies huh? 

A lot going on in life. I guess post kalini cuma nak bagi update on what I did for the past 6 months in life. Just untuk diri sendiri baca because I tend to forget things quickly, like having a brain fog here and there. 

So, keeping things updated here not only for my future self but to people close to me as well. 


  • Work: 
        Talking about January, I guess masa ni I already at my new work place. January marks the 3rd month working there. It was tough for me I guess sebab everyone lelaki. I was the only Malay & female in my team. Yang lain semua Chinese & male. Language boundary? Kinda. Sebab ada yang tak fasih sangat Melayu & English pun susah juga cause I tend to speak in broken English. 😂

Kadang tu bila nak explain something macam ayam bercakap dengan kucing. Haa, begitulah. Haha. I gotta admit, often time they talk among themselves in Mandarin, so sometimes rasa agak terpinggir. Well, that's life. 

  • Family Day Idris Legacy: 
        Alhamdulillah! Selepas berbulan merancang, kumpul duit semua akhirnya jadi juga family day kami. Punyalah penat mikir pasal makanan, venue, mainan semua tahu2 sekejap je rasa celebrate family day kalini. 2hari 1malam di  Hulu Langat, Selangor. Definitely gonna do a separate post for this. So, watch out for that! 😉 (Klik sini kalau nak baca)


  • Chinese New Year: 
FYI, company yang Tiqa masuk ni memang 99% Chinese, so, for CNY this year dapat tengok how exactly they celebrated. Before tarikh CNY haritu company ada buat cabutan bertuah & best sebab everyone akan menang something. If you tak menang hadiah fizikal, then maybe you'll get vouchers or money. I mean when I said voucher/money they literally give you a heap of it. My senior got RM1k of angpaw kot. I was amazed yerrrr hahahaha.😲 I only managed to get vouchers AEON RM200! Haha, lepas beli barang2 groceries untuk rumah sebulan. Ok la kan?

Next, company masa ni order orang untuk datang ke office untuk buat tarian naga tu. Like the one yang kita selalu nampak kat shopping mall and all tu kan, haa yang tu lah. Can you imagine naga tu had to go through our 2 building office from Ground to 3rd Level? Pergi meja pekerja sorang2 and something like giving a blessing & taking out all the bad energy from their desk. Haa camtu lah. I mean, it was a great experience indeed! (Klik sini kalau nak baca)


  • Mandarin:
        Ok, to be honest I did feel lepas masuk kerja tempat baru ni rasa I need to do somehting about the language, so I decided to pursue Mandarin language at Kunkwan Mandarin Center. Yang bestnya, sebab dia online and boleh pilih kelas bebila masa yang sesuai dengan waktu kita. Boleh pilih laoshi (guru) yang mana satu juga. They have their own website and the most amazing part is when you're done with your lesson, akan dapat certificate & actually kalau nak repeat kelas tu berkali-kali sampai paham pun boleh. Hence, why they build their website. So good! Cuma yang ni memang berbayar la. I guess, even with the price I guess it's worth it. 

  • Quit:
        Oh, tbh March was a lot of sadness at my workplace cuz suddenly I got the news that my senior and my other teammate masa tu wanted to quit and go to another company for a better opportunity. Believe me, I was sad SAD. Why? Cuz I'll be the only one left in my team untuk handle intern & kerja2 selainnya. I baru je masuk 3 bulan tetiba semua benda kena handle sendiri. I was shook! Nangis nok the first month tu hahahahahahahaah but life goes on. I learnt a lot tbh. 

  • Iftar:
        Masa ni bermula la puasa! Sheesh, masa ni memang tak menang kaki tangan nak set makan2 dengan kawan semua sebab ada kawan diploma, high school, degree, master dll laaa. Haa, but it was cooll to be able to meet all of my friends sebab jenis semua busy gila so setahun sekali je boleh jumpa. Bila? Time iftar ni la. HAHAHAH. So, nak tak nak kena pergi juga cuz bila lagi bole hjumpa each other? 


  • Raya:
        Omg, it's raya what more can I say? HAHAHAHA. I took 2 unpaid leave for this cuz who cares? I want my time with family. 


        It's birthday month in my dictionary. Why? Cuz it's not just my birthday, it is also my husband & MIL's birthday as well (they share the same date btw). I was fortunate to have people close to me to celebrate this month with family & friends. 


  • Anniversary:
        Pejam celik eh dah Jun ek? Bulan ni la dapat sambut Anniversary dengan husband. Tahu2 dah 2 tahun tapi belum ada rezeki lagi untuk kami dapat cahayamata. I guess it's a part of our journey as well right? Doakan kami ya. Tahun ni dapat pergi ke Tiarasa Escape & oh I tell you lawa gilaaaa tempat dia. Imma do another post just to post all the pic we've taken and videos of the place. Amat la tenang bila nak masuk tu ya. A lot of games were also prepared to customers. 

  • New Interns:
        Welp, dapat intern tu biasa la kat company baru Tiqa ni cumanya bulan Jun ni paling lain sikit sebab banyak gila intern baru yang masuk serentak. We had over 15 new intern joining us and it was the highest number of intern that we've ever got. Team Tiqa pun bertambah orang nya juga bukan sahaja dengan intern, malah dengan staff baru. Akhirnya! Selepas 3 bulan sensorang handle kerja, ada juga staf baru yang masuk untuk gantikan my senior. I felt relieved gila! Alhamdulillah. 

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